Stuff I've read, watched, and heard - #0

For a very long time, I've been fascinated by the idea of starting a technical blog but I didn't have the courage to do it, I grew up as a bookworm, reading was and still is my favorite hobby, and becoming a writer was my first childhood dream (pretty nerdy I know). I've been thinking about it lately and I've decided that I don't need to start big, I just need to start regardless, So here I am.

This is my first Article in a weekly series in which I'll share stuff I've read, watched, and heard throughout the week and found interesting and worth sharing.

Stuff I've Read

How to Write a Good Commit Message

  • I was getting ready to start contributing to Open Source and participating in Hacktoberfest this month so I found this very useful, this article talks about how to write a meaningful commit message to make life easier for you and your teammates.
  • Also check the comments to find more useful tips on how to write a good commit message.

Authentication vs Authorization – What's the Difference?

  • Authentication and Authorization can be easily confused. In this article, you will learn the difference between both of them and how each one works.

Stuff I've Watched

Show your Backend Engineering Skills To Recruiters - Building a Full Backend Portfolio

  • This video provides 9 methods that you can use to show your backend engineering skills to recruiters.
  • Note: If you're interested in backend engineering make sure to check Hussein Nasser Youtube Channel.

HOW TO USE LINKEDIN AS A DEVELOPER to get a job in tech! How to network!

  • I've seen countless tweets on how this video helped a lot of people to get a job in tech so I've decided to give it a try, to be honest, it helped me to improve my LinkedIn profile and raise my confidence in my profile hoping to land a job soon.
  • Make sure to check the complete playlist on How to Get A Job Using LinkedIn

Stuff I've Heard

Discipline Now .. Freedom Later

  • I've been into Stoicism lately and The Daily Stoic is one of my favorite podcasts out there, this episode talks about discipline and the importance of being disciplined in today's world.

  • Quote from the episode:

    At a critical moment in The Odyssey, Odysseus tied himself to the mast of his ship because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist steering the ship toward the beautiful sound of the Sirens. In temporarily giving up his freedom, Odysseus became the first person ever to hear the Sirens without fatally crashing into the rocks surrounding the island where they lived.